Modified beginning Time of Registration of Refugees for Receiving the Land in Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation
On Thursday August 15, 2019 which held a meeting between the high rank authorities of RR and director of HABITAT in Afghanistan.
Discussed regarding the qualification of inauguration council programs and has modified the registration of refugees for receiving the land in ministry of refugees and repatriation.
Sayed Hussain Alime Balkhy minister of refugees and repatriation in this session has mentioned that before the change of 104 decree of presidential of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’ ministry of RR has considered yearly for three to four thousand returnee’s families but by changeing of the decree has been postponed the distribution of the land since last year.
He demands the HABITAT and IOM that complete the technical procedure of the beginning of council programs and provide storage time till start practically the system of registration of the land distribution for returnees.
Whilst, reports of in charges of HABITAT in Afghanistan from development of council program to minister of RR that in Shakar Dara district has modified 3200 Numeral lands for distribution to returnees and built 14 kilo meters’ road inside of Sadat Refugees city in Herat province.
This session which was held on Thursday August 8, 2019 in the base of the ministry of RR has been approved that offices and requirement equipment by HABITAT organization to 15 September will be completed and registration of refugees will start.