Snr. Reintegration and Durable Solution Expert
دنشر تاریخ
د ختمیدو تاریخ
وزارت امور مهاجرین و عودت کنندگان_کابل_افغانستان
Snr. Reintegration and Durable Solution Expert |
January, 2021 |
December, 2022 |
Kabul, Afghanistan |
General Directorate of IDPs |
Under the Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) UNHCR and MoRR cooperation arrangements in 2021 to provide humanitarian assistance and access to services to Afghan returnees in areas of return, conflict-induced IDPs in places of displacement, and support to refugees and asylum seekers, in line with the DRSWG framework and its Action Plan as well as other relevant national policies, and the Government of Afghanistan’s international legal obligations. The project further enhances the mutual cooperation between the two entities to achieve protection outcomes and concrete results that will promote the rights of persons of concern to UNHCR and affected communities, without discrimination.
The Durable and reintegration Solution Expert will work with Minister, Program Director and General Directorate of IDPs, under the contract of UNHCR while aiming to provide the comprehensive support and facilitation during the developing of strategic planning process, in loop with the IDP and reintegration priority and DRSWG that extends the service delivery and increasing socio-economic status to internal displaced people.
Developing of monthly, quarterly and annual plans, aiming to achieve MoRR’s durable solution for IDPs and reintegration.
Coordination for better communication and effective linking of durable solution committee with provinces.
Assessment and analysis of provincial action plan based on the national policy for IDPs and fund raising.
Facilitation for strengthening and durable linkages with Ministry of Urban and Development and local government for the solution of shelter programs for IPDs and organizing them into the developmental plan.
Coordination with relevant national and International stakeholders for increasing volunteer repatriation of IDPs and their sustainable settlement according to the IDPs national policy.
Arranging the mechanism of distribution of humanitarian aid and permanent settlement of IDPs for transparency in relevant matters.
Ensure coordination with relevant national and international institutions and IDP communities on restructuring for local resettlement or local family reunification
Analysis of the situation of IDPs, the general situation of the country and their main neighborhoods in order to identify weaknesses, strengths, threats and job opportunities
Provide specific advice, comprehensive recommendations and sustainable livelihood plans for the return and resettlement of returnees and internal displacement.
Collaborate in identifying priority areas and need assessment for return and reintegration and coordinate with relevant government-sponsored sectors through donor agencies.
Ensure the implementation of DRSWG decisions.
Cooperation with the secretariat of DRSWG for follow up activities designated by decision of working group.
Work closely with ministry and relevant department to implement effective plans and attract financial assistance to improve the living conditions of IDPs and returnees
Cooperation with the secretariat of DRSWG for follow up activities designated by decision of working group.
Participation in working group meetings in the center and provinces is held on a monthly basis
Coordination in preparing reports of DRSWG activities to office of first vice president.
Master or Bachelor’s Degree in Development/Humanitarian Studies, Economics, Social sciences, Political Science, or any related field from a recognized institution, Masters is preferred
Minimum of 7 years of experience in the development/ field or in other closely related fields
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