Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation Signed a Memorandum of Understanding in order to Consider for More than 15 Thousand Displaced People in Kunduz province

Wed, May 15 2019 9:23 AM
این تفاهمنامه روز یکشنبه 22 ثور سال روان توسط مهرخدا صبار سرپرست معینیت پالیسی و پلان وزارت امور مهاجرین و عودت کنندگان و مسئول موسسه انکشافی افغان(ADA) امضا شد که بر اساس آن به یک هزار و 545 خانواده شامل 15 هزار و 265 نفر رسیدگی صورت می گیرد.

                       On Wednesday May 15, 2019 this memorandum of understanding on Sunday May 12, 2019 signed between Mehre Khoda Sabar deputy minister of policy and plan ministry of RR and in charge of ADA which in the base of that will consider for one thousand and 545 displaced families which included of 15 thousand and 265 people.

Deputy minister of policy and plan of MoRR demands from most of the constitutions for implementation of effective projects and said: the registered project in this memorandum of understanding is 354 thousand and 337 Euro which is assisted by international AXFAM and will be implemented by ADA in the Emam Sahib and Dasht Archy districts.

In the base of this memorandum of understanding mentioned project will be cooperated in distribution of agriculture and farm packages, money in front of the work, cash assistance, provide of drinking water, building of bathroom and provide storage time for health keeping.



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