Minister of Refugees and Repatriation has participated as a Representative of Afghanistan in International Conference the prohibition Crime and criminal Justice Punishment

Fri, May 24 2019 8:21 AM

           On Tuesday May, 21, 2019 high rank delegation of Afghanistan has participated in annual meeting commission of prohibit crime and justice punishment by chairmanship of Sayed Hussain Alime balkhy minister of RR.

     On Tuesday May 21, 2019 In inauguration program meeting which also Mrs. Khujasta Fanah Abrahim Khil big ambassador of Afghanistan in Austria has attended that Minister of RR has objected in his speech.

Minister of RR has indicated in his speech that Afghanistan by activated participation in international convention by implement prevention of crime and justice punishment and convention of conflict on cocaine, alarmism and its wrong message in economic development.

He added recently terrorism attack has shown that terrorism attack does not know geographical border, religious. In the past and right now Afghanistan has given the high victims in conflict with terrorism in passing of every day innocent people of Afghanistan especially women and children lose themselves.

Human smuggler is very important for Afghanistan and as well as punctuality to human and international law and equality to the right of human and have been conflicting against terrorism.

It’s been a while, organized crime network abuse from the weakness of refugees, Afghanistan emphasized support to humanitarian right and demand the attention of world union to the declaration of New York regarding the refugees and asylum seekers.             


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