Discussion between Deputy Minister Kakar and Deputy Minister of Turkish Interior

Sun, Jun 06 2021 3:29 PM

Following the negotiations of the mission consisting of the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriations and Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the leadership of Wafiullah Kakar (Deputy Minister for Refugee Affairs), the next exchange took place with the Turkish Ministry of Interior on the effective management of Afghan migrants’ issue.

During his talks, Deputy Minister Kakar recalled the trustful, long-standing and fraternal relations between the Afghan and Turkish governments and expressed the Afghan government's concern about irregular migration. He said that in order to successfully manage the migration process and prevent irregular movements, it is necessary to have a bi-lateral memorandum of understanding.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Interior of Turkey welcomed Deputy Minister Kakar and his accompanying delegation and promised to facilitate the conclusion of the memorandum of understanding.

Both sides decided to set up a technical team to finalize the text of the memorandum and finalize it within a month.

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