Acting Deputy Minister of Plan and Policy of RR aware of reintegration of Displacement in Nangarhar Province

Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, Jun 18 2019 1:16 PM
سرپرست معینیت پالیسی و پلان وزارت امور مهاجرین از آغاز برنامه استقرار مجدد بیجاشدگان در ولایت ننگرهار خبر داد

                     On Monday June 17, 2019 Mehre Khoda Sabar acting deputy minister of plan and policy in his travel to Nangarhar province monitored from the distribution of humanitarian assistance in negotiation with governor of that province has alerted from the inauguration of reintegration of displacement.

He and his campaigner delegation on Monday June 17, 2019 of the current year in his visited with Shah Mahmood Mia Khail governor of Nangarhar province and members of provincial council of that province in municipality guest house of Jalal Abad has stated that MoRR is going to inaugurate reintegration program which displaced from insecure districts in the result those families which had displaced before 2005 with identified assistance will be back to their original villages.

He added in the current year 6400 displaced families will be assisted from the budget of MoRR and this ministry has been inaugurating for winter contribution for displacement of inhabitant of Nangarhar province.

Governor of Nangarhar province, meanwhile of appreciation of effort of MoRR stated the 80% of Pakistan returnees and 17 provinces displaced families are staying in Nangarhar that are need for more consideration and he has promised to help MoRR with consideration of displaced families.

Whilst, acting deputy minister of plan and policy of RR has been monitoring from distribution of humanitarian assistance of international organs in Nangarhar province, visited with international stockholder and demand them for more transparency regarding the distribution of assistance.   

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